My Reiki Life

What is Reiki

What is


Reiki is a form of alternative healing that originated in Japan in the early 20th century. It involves using gentle touch on or near the body to create a space to reset, rebalance, and refocus their energy. Practitioners believe that harnessing this energy can help alleviate physical, emotional, and spiritual issues. Reiki sessions typically involve a calming environment to facilitate energy flow and enhance the body’s natural healing processes.

Why I love Reiki

Why I Love


Reiki came into my life many years ago, by the way of my sister. She was very sick and desperate to find something to help outside of Western medicine. She discovered Reiki first, and after a few months of energy work, she began to get better and set up a session for me. I lay on the table wondering what would happen when a burning in my third eye ( the space between and slightly above my eyebrows) began creating a circle. There was intense pressure behind it. On the verge of tears, finally, something broke through. I could feel heat running through the center of my body.

Energy Healing

Meditating Every Day

it goes a long way.

I try to meditate every day for at least ten to fifteen minutes. Then, I like to pull an Oracle card. I ask my guides, “What do I need to know today?” I write down the card and my thoughts about what it says throughout the day.