My Writing Life

The Practice of


Writing practices refer to writers’ various methods, techniques, and routines to enhance their writing skills and productivity. Here are some standard writing practices:

  • Daily Writing
  • Free Writing
  • Outline Creation
  • Reading Widely
  • Journaling
  • Setting Specific Goals
  • Peer Review and Feedback
  • Editing and Revising
  • Studying Writing Techniques
  • Creating a Comfortable Writing Environment

Incorporating these practices to develop their unique voice.

Why I Love


I love to write because it is the freedom to be, say, or feel whatever is bubbling up inside me. Writing has saved me from myself many times. Become overwhelmed with negative self-talk, doubt, fear, and self-hatred. Writing has been my light in the darkness. I have been able to write the story of my life my way, changing what I needed to work through my limiting thoughts—becoming aware that my thoughts were not me. I was the awareness behind the idea, but not the thought itself. Writing is how I show myself to the world piece by piece. Everyone’s story is powerful because it is unique, and only one of you is in the world. How cool is that?

Why I


Words have power and create the world around me. Words can save you and destroy you. Words are the frequency that circle and enchant. We can raise the frequency with them or lower it with them. I choose to rise with my words, hope, and love. Writing sets me free to be who I am meant to be.